Go To Win Equine Dentistry
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A routine dental check is recommended at least yearly for the average horse. Sometimes, they need checks every 3 to 6 months depending on the circumstances. A horse's upper teeth are larger than their bottom teeth, this ensures that they will NEVER grind evenly. Sharp points form on the outsides of the top teeth; these cut into the cheeks. Sharp points form on the insides of the bottom teeth; these cut into the tongue. Remember, a healthy weight is NOT an indication of a healthy mouth. While some horses present issues, (i.e. weight loss, awkward chewing, issues with a bit/hackamore), many times horses live in complete tolerance of the sores/issues that may be hiding in their mouth if they've gone longer than a year without a dental check. If you have any questions about your horse's dental health, please feel free to reach out to me.
- Kaylin Collins, EqDT
- "Kaylin has a beautiful and rare way with horses, particularly for someone so young. My horses responded very well to her patience and skill. I've been into horses for over 5 decades. Through the years, I've had several vets and horse dentists do work on my horses. Kaylin is the very best! She did my horses without tranquilizers and without power tools. Maybe I'm an old timer, but I don't trust those powers tools, I think mistakes can easily be made. So, I appreciate Kaylin for her commitment to getting the job done correctly and carefully. The icing on the cake is that she is very reasonably priced." Barb Sudomier, FEI Dressage Trainer | ★★★★★"We so appreciated Kaylin and her patience with our older horses that we took in and how after her care the relief they had and immediate improvement to their ability to eat and enjoy their food. We are so thankful as well for your overall care. Looking forward to the next visit. Thank you!" Tammy S. | ★★★★★"Kaylin always goes above and beyond with her dental examinations. She is very thorough and is sure to provide an explanation behind her findings and what corrections need made. She has been my equine dentist for a few years now, and my horses are always happy and healthier after she leaves." Serina S. | ★★★★★